Thursday, November 15, 2007

Coffee craze goes to the dogs

It might look like a nice cup of cappuccino, but a Phoenix company's new concoction is strictly for the dogs.

DoggyLicious LLC is now selling its Doggy Java online and expects it to hit stores by December. The vitamin drink comes in a coffee bag, looks like coffee when mixed with water, is served in a "canine cappuccino cup" and comes with a Bonescotti biscuit.

Doggy Java is the first product on the market to induce a dog's desire to drink water and at the same time provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, said Mari Justin, the creator of Doggy Java. The beef-flavored, liquid vitamin treat may look like coffee but contains no caffeine.

"The days of hiding their pills in cheese, peanut butter or other foods are over. Doggy Java has created a fun new way for your pet to get its daily vitamins while enjoying a tasty treat," Justin said in a release announcing the new product.

Doggy Java won first and second place in the New Product Awards Dog category at SuperZoo 2007, a national show for pet retailers. For more:

Taken from

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